Here I am, King of the Rock. I took the rest of these photos (this one was taken by Gwen), of which some I’m extremely proud. Marcos produced and directed the thing, it was shot by Chris, and Gwen did the makeup. Angie, the subject of many of these photos, is the singer and extremely-photogenic star of the video we shot. All I did was lug a thing or two and take pictures all day. I’m a funny-looking guy up there on that rock, huh? Whatever.
So the pictures in the Read More link are all sort of mid-sized rough scans saved as .jpg files. There are a lot of them, that much is certain. I’m putting the pictures of us at work first because I know no one is going to go past the shots of Angie – shes too photogenic. There are a few shots specifically of the lake, too, just because its so amazing-looking. As Ive said before, I’m definitely going back.
In other news, work is going well, although I’m not on top of the time it takes to do things yet. Friday was the last day of work for a lot of guys I know, so they’re all out of town now, which should leave me free to write and work on MWS stuff through the end of the week. I fly to Philly on Thursday night, so everything I need to do needs to be done by then. I haven’t even thought about packing, wrapping, anything, really, and I cant imagine that one week from today is Christmas day. Ouch. Geh.
Okay, enough of me. Click thee the Read More link and tell me what you think. Beware, there are a lot of pictures.
Now the photos are in a gallery
(and the post text is back).
…MO 2016_1115