Some danger of crossover here.
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Some danger of crossover here.
My Ethereum Wallet address (ETH):0xdebd937cf729bd945deb3546504859193a447c5f Bitcoin Address (BTC):12xVgpY55x9XzMufr63x6RrNFFTKT2ug9i Ravencoin (RVN)RP1TdUUbmbo8yHTzoW4TjV3UeK22E3ViRv Ergo (ERG):9gehrSZi4vYD1o1YnsoE3NGJy2d7inA2GLZ3G1tjQ3DGhqaqvG3
It’s been awhile since I’ve done any kind of revamp on Clapboard, and a change that I only recently noticed to the way that WordPress itself handles featured items prompted…
And welcome to the new! There are so many new things to explore and test, but at the moment, all I care about is that the posts are back,…
I didn’t even realize I’d been thinking about it, but I guess I was, over these last, umm… months since my last update. Well, I’ve decided. Clapboard lives. It gets…
I know this is like trying to draw attention to a rock concert by sitting in the stands and whistling, but I really dig Randall’s work on XKCD from Monday:…
Over the years, I’ve accumulated a lot of hosted domains on my VPS, and this is the morning where I finally cull the herd and drop the dozens of addresses…
And I’m going to start updating again.
Okay, so Google has a lot of services and I’m using Google for a lot of my domains.
Yo. I had another post here about how the site was all-new, but then my hosts had a RAID failure on the MySQL server that held all of my DB…
They all (both) suck. Digsby has been my client of choice for a long time.
I am opposed to SOPA & PIPA. I recognize that the government has outsourced the writing of laws to the highest bidder, and I recognize that music and movie execs…
I’m looking into leaving Time Warner for our Cable internet, and decided to check on my speeds over at Turns out not to have sucked too much, really. Faster…
This comes under the heading of embarrassing, but funny enough to post.
You may not have known it was broken, but the broken search was something that had been bothering me for a long time. For awhile it had been co-opted by…
I’ve been working, believe it or not. With my impending departure for South America with Bon Jovi looming, I’m looking at a foreshortened timeline and thinking about how I can…
An ode to Google Maps
You have to click Read More to see the map because otherwise it’ll bork my layout.
So Woot got bought by Amazon. What’s the business end of this deal? I’ve read the Blog Post, I’ve seen the video, and I’m still a little confused, or at…
Over the last week or so, there’s been a change in the way my reader looks – all Gawker Media sites changed their full-text feeds to partial-text, AKA click-to-our-site-so-we-can-make-money-off-you feeds.…
This is not news in any way, but I just wanted to mention that I’m no longer on myspace, officially. I’d sort of like to focus my presence online, and…
As I sit here alone at Dragonfish, a swank sushi joint across from my hotel, I wonder how i’ll act on my next visit. The fact that i’m thinking about…
In case any of you were wondering why Clapboard no longer loads like the tubes from the servers are steeped in syrup, it’s because we’re finally on a VPS.
I’m deleting like 5 or 10 new spam accounts on here per day these days.
Now, with Graphics after the break.
So I’ve arrived in NYC, and I’m sitting at Starbucks, but I’m not using their WiFi.