Tonight we shot our first episode of Tits For Democracy. We shot from 9-1(ish) with a couple hours of prep and lighting and almost no stopping beyond “Cut! Okay, whats next? Good.” It was actually very rewarding. We argued a little, disagreed some, agreed quite a bit, and shot an assload of footage. Editing on Sunday (in theory) will be excellent, and Im looking forward to having the final thing cut altogether by Monday night. That also means that we need a tight logo (and for Tits for Democracy, how can we NOT have a pretty sweet logo, right?) and the music cues altogether before we can be done.
Ill probably pull the footage down to the computer tomorrow at some point, which should be awesome because we shot so damn much.
I also did the rough cut of Brownie Project #3 today because I was feeling filmic. That and fixing the server basically took all day. Oh, and some work on the table, but not much. Man. Time is running directly the hell out on that table, too. Anyone know anything about laquer? How about Polyurethane? Something clear to cover an easily-water-damaged table? Anything that might work?
Okay, its clearly 2am, so I have to get my ass to bed so I can get up early tomorrow and be productive. Productive is, of course, a relative term because you may notice that I havent mentioned a single thing about getting paid. Im a loser.
Thanks for reading.