Picked up Casey Thursday night. Subjected her to paranoid rantings about and ministrations in advance of the movers pending arrival.
Moved on Friday. $500 to get everything bigger than a breadbox that I own from an apartment to a house a mile distant seems like a lot of money, although looking at the current contents of the house, it seems like a steal. Of course, I did much of that myself. Whatever. Moral of the story = before noon, everything was done.
Saturday and Sunday were house-organization and unpacking and layout nightmare days. Having Casey around was a godsend – Im pretty sure I would have succumbed to house dementia and killed myself without a calming, sane influence. As it was, I hurt myself on a couple of occasions. I dont think there will be any permanent scars. Im a little bit of a buffoon.
We also taught and learned some initial manual transmission driving (which went swimmingly) and also took some shots of houses and offices for a sitcom. Of going out, there was none, of cooking there was a little, and of haircutting there was some. It was a good weekend overall, and the only thing now to do is concentrate on moving little bits every day until the mountain has actually migrated to Mohammed. Will there be riots somewhere because of that reference? I hope not.
Im going to try to take some more pics of the resultant moving carnage tonight, but mostly Im going to try to stop the dryer gas leak. Failing that, I have to call a gas guy and maybe get my dryer drying before I run fully out of clothes to wear. I have resolved to start no more projects until I finish the ones I currently have in progress: dryer, bathrooms, clothing and stereo systems. That means no kitchen lighting, no office organization or building and nothing to do with the tools in the garage. So there.