Tonight, Im off to New York red-eye style. Were off to New York, in fact, and, with all thats on the menu, its going to be a busy trip, to say the least. The agenda looks sort of like this:
- Thursday: NYC.
Some MWS, some searching out tasty food. Train to Media in the evening. Anyone know a good cab company in Media? Hell, anyone know ANY cab company in Media?
- Friday – Sunday: Hometown Pride
Grandma O turns 90 on Saturday, so weve got a lunch in her honor. We may go see the Philly Zoo (in keeping with our Zoo-Craziness Campaign) on Friday or we may be too busy working on the house and yard. Well see.
- Monday – Wednesday: NYC again
Ive got to work on Monday & Tuesday and we leave on Wednesday, but were going to try to squeeze in some Transformers, some bar hopping, some sight seeing and some good eating. Im also going to get some Dunkin Donuts.
So… Thats the plan, in case anyones interested in meeting up while were back east. Even though mostly my time is planned for me, I want to make sure to make the best use of my time as possible. Call me or e-mail me if you wanna try to get together and well make something happen.
In the meanwhile, I have to pack and work and clean. Cant come home to a house and home as messy as the one in which Im currently living. My attention to detail has really fallen by the wayside recently. Crazy anal-retentive cleanliness gene… failing… discomfort… growing……..
Happy Wednesday.