This is going to be a short update because Im tired. New York was both fun and productive, the former despite my initial reservations, and the latter allowing me to continue my life in the manner to which I have become accustomed – eating occasionally and maybe going to Philly for my birthday.
MWS work was good – I managed to get a lot of stuff lined up to do now that Ive returned, which is good for the longer run, and we cleared up a bunch of nagging issues while I was there. Productive trip. Now I have my work cut out for me.
Casey ended up having a close friend in town and managed to orchestrate the two of us getting together, which turned out to be fun. Even when we werent trading stories about our mutual friend, Lindsay and I found things to talk about, so that was good. She was working with a comedy troupe out of Chicago doing tech for their improv musical, and I got to see that before I dragged her on a tour of some of the places in the village that I remember from my times out in NY. Peculier, Remote (which seems to be sucking somehow, and was closed down on Saturday night), Phoebes (which used to be cooler before it went NYU-grad-school-upscale) and then Fat Black Pussycat. We missed Asylum and my favorite place whose name I can never remember (not Howl at the Moon, but… shit. whatever.), as well as the place with the great wings across the street from there, but all-in-all it was a pretty good tour. I got to wander around, too, which was fun.
Im crushingly tired from the weekends distinct lack of sleep, so Im going to bed. The morning is coming fast, and Im getting up early to get a head start on the day. At least, I hope Im getting up early to get a head start on the day.