both pics lost to the ravages of time.
I haven’t figured out how to make the pictures bigger (I think this camera can do 640 x 480, but I’m not sure), so this is what we get for now. I think I look possessed in the first one. The weird yellow toplighting and the semi-reflective black sides are cool, though.And tomatoes? Rock. Love that there’s a tomato shortage that fast-food joints have signs up for. I went into a Jack-in-the Box last night (my first time!) and saw that sign pasted to the counter. I think I just like the idea of being inconvenienced by the potential reduction of tomato volume on my item. I’m having way too good a time envisioning a scenario in which the word “inconvenience” is appropriate. Maybe you’re doing a study on fast-food chain tomato freshness and you need a certain volume of tomato on a particular item to test and this means that your study will under-represent the Jack-in-the-Box sample. |
Whatever. I’m at work and cant come up with anything good. I keep getting interrupted to, you know, work, so my train of thought is all disconnected. I haven’t quite gotten a handle on my usage of time, but I’m getting there. I think I’m going to have to designate two nights a week as “home nights” where I write, do laundry, etc. I may have to cancel netflix, too, since doing ANYTHING after work (dinner, drinks, movies, shopping for food, whatever) means that I go straight to bed when I get home and I may never have time to watch DVDs again.
Well just have to see how it goes. I’m going to work on a music video with a coworker this weekend – no pay, but it should be fun to get outside the city (way outside, from the look of it) and see what’s around. Besides, I love being on set – its very invigorating for me.
Is anyone else as unprepared for Christmas as I am? Doubtful. I’m going back to work, but thinking about Christmas prep is all I’ll be doing in my spare time. At least i have some lights up. I should post a pic. Maybe tonight.