As long as the birds have seven of those ten, Im a happy camper. McNabb was, at turns, brilliant and sloppy, underthrowing almost as many passes as he completed. Then there was some thing that I fail to understand where he and T.O. were running around like spoiled children on the sidelines – if they were just playing around, Im happy. If not, come on, boys. Nonsense. Buffoonery.
In other news, theres been a lot of weird activity here of late, with porn spammers signing up in drives and British lotto coordinators making accounts left and right. Very strange couple of months for Clapboards membership stats. Ive deleted as many users as are active here on more than one occasion, leading me to say, yet again, if you sign up and look like youre a spammer, youre gone. Simple as that. Maybe I should have a poll about that. But I kind of want to know whos going to win the current poll first.
Worked on the MWS site today much of the day, then put Brad on tape for a small part in a movie (fingers crossed), then watched the Birds with Klee. Tomorrow is “go in to Relativity” day, then Ill come back here and work on more web stuff for a few hours, trying to get the site ready for product assignments. Exciting stuff. Be ready to get recruiited to test the site when Im done with it – I want your feedback, everybody. Thanks.+