This is not news in any way, but I just wanted to mention that I’m no longer on myspace, officially. I’d sort of like to focus my presence online, and I think by removing my MySpace (and LinkedIn, probably) profiles, I’ll have a little less online baggage. These were sites that tried, and succeeded, to a certain extent, but for me, at least, they’ve passed their expiration dates.
Two PCW gigs tomorrow – one with Bon Jovi and one with a video production unit in LA. Fun times. Gotta keep that bandwagon going, as the MWS bandwagon is coasting to a halt. I’d like to jumpstart that one to keep it going, too, but honestly, it’s been dying for a year. Lots of little things (no more invitations to NYC, the hiring of multiple overlapping consultants, etc.) have been happening, so I just need to do the best I can with what I’ve got and maybe that’ll be enough. Maybe it won’t, but I’ll do what I can.
Also, I’m tired.