Believe it or not, Paris was again on the agenda in May, this time with Laura, and I have 409 pictures to prove it. The full story is a little long, but the pictures tell it better anyway.
We did get to spend a day out at Mt. Ste. Michel, which was every bit as beautiful than it was 20 years ago, albeit unexpectedly crowded. After a long half day at Versailles, we visited the town of Chartres, too. The town itself was beautiful and charming, and I’d never paid it much attention before, so that was a nice surprise.
I’ll even be making a real binder with printed photos and little keepsakes for the first time in years. I like binders and I like printed photos, so that’s nice, too! A souvenir of souvenirs, if you’ll excuse the gratuitous use of French in a post about France.
Also, I got to eat a lot of ice cream.
Pictures, as usual, after the break.