Listen. I know today is a bullshit holiday invented to get college kids and rednecks to spend a little more of their (parents, in the former case) hard-earned money on cheap green beer and hastily-pulled guinness, but I dont care. I like it. Or I like the idea of it.
My moms visit was fun – we managed to go on a massive two-pronged hike on Sunday. Although I was getting over the sickness (that Im somehow still getting over – jesus!) and could only get about 30% of the required oxygen into my system, I enjoyed it. I was sort of scouting potential camping situations for future birthdays. More details as plans evolve.
Despite the Hallmark holiday, there is still going out to be done tonight – its MJMs final party night in LA before he leaves for the grayer pastures of NYC. Thats as good an excuse as any to go out and be irresponsible. Discussions as to the wisdom of that as I cough and expel grossness into tissues are not welcome. Ill take it easy today and thatll be that.
Happy Tuesday, too.