So I spent Sunday waiting for the Grammys to start. No one saw me, but then again, I didnt tell anyone to look for me. Casey is pretty easy to see in any Stage Left performance – the red dress & the boobs help a lot with that one.

Thats sad proof, but I think you can see me. We certainly can see Katy Perry here. Being in the mosh pit at the Grammys is like riding a roller coaster – you wait and wait for something to happen and you do all of your waiting in a line.
And of course, BootieLA was awesome.

I took my new mini camera and took about a million (or 200) pictures. I have yet to decide if having lots of pictures is better than having none – taking them changes the way we experience things. Smash-Up Derby was spectacular, RAID had all new golden bodysuits, and this girl had the leftover scraps and strings. I do like that lots of people come to Bootie now – it took years, but everyone comes around eventually.
What else?
Im just working, I guess. Proposals today and websites – not as much laziness as I thought Id have when I started this morning. Thats a good way to start the day, to surprise yourself with your ability to accomplish things. Things like awesome posts to Clapboard.