Well Matt has given me the freedom to do the music post on Clapboard. So I am going to give you mix-tape playlists in 10 songs, hence the “Metric Playlists”. Youll get one song a week or so, maybe some sooner. This week will just be a “work out the bugs and will be only one song” mix. I have to see if I can get this working properly or not. I have a wide range of stuff but it should all work together in the end. Well start off with a song I first heard in Cancun at a Chinese restaurant. They had sofas at the tables for seats and it was rather nice except for the fact it was open air next to a bay of sorts and smelled like trash. That has nothing to do with the song but its what I remember. Its an older drum & bass song by a group called Boymerang. They did the smoother type of this genre closer to jungle of back in the day. Without the surrounding smells this was perfect for the atmosphere. Listen and enjoy.
Metric Playlist.
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