So Chrome is out. Everyone has been talking about it for 24 hours. Its fast. It loads like IE (in that theres like a vertical strip of load-fade-sliding-coolness). its from Google. Its new! Are there questions about what Google may do with your data? Of course! Its Google! Does it install other software without asking? Dont ask!
It also happens to be one of the MANY browsers on the market at the moment, each vying for space in the miniature hell I call my computer. I like Firefox. I like that it has addons that block ads, download
porn stock photos and do all sorts of other things. I like Ubiquity almost enough to change clapboards webservers to Google so I can use it with webmail.
And what about Opera? Its the geeks darling (because its not Firefox, which is now too mainstream?) and its a pretty solid browser on its own. Opera is the base for Opera Mini which, to hear people tell it, is the second coming of browsers for phones. Id have to install the kildgy java BS-kit to get it to work with my broken-screened Centro, so Ill wait awhile and see about getting a new phone first.
Anyway. People love their Opera.
And Hi, Safari. Mac folk love you. You run on something called WebKit which is notable because a) its what Google chose as the base for Chrome and b) its from Apple, so it must be the best thing of its type ever created. While I dont know what WebKit is, I can finally say that Safari works on my system (the first couple of releases wouldnt install on my exotic XP Pro rig) and that it does seem pretty snappy. Then again, I havent really complained about Firefox since version 3 came out. Not that I dont want FIOS.
And IE is still around. Its the one that people click when they want the internet. Sometimes clients tell me that some things dont work on Firefox so they switch back to IE. When I ask them what, they can never remember or find the thing again. Its weird.
Aaaaaaand… Im spent. Farking browsers. I did uninstall the Update Check for Chrome. Ive spent some time and Ill spend some more checking to make sure that sites that I administer look the way I expect them to look in Chrome. Im not leaving Firefox. Not yet, anyway. Ill spend time with Chrome and Opera, but until there are addons that I can configure and until theres a compelling reason thats not already in Firefox.
Happy Wednesday.