So Im going to Houston on Saturday to drive cross-country with Drew and I was concerned about the potential for on-the-road internet connectivity, right? So I finally got my ass in gear and checked out how to get the Centro working as a modem, and it turns out that its pretty easy. PDAnet makes some software that installs on the phone and bang – youve got your laptop online. Now all I have to do is figure out how to do it on Ubuntu (and since the laptop syncs fine, its just a matter of time) and Ill be golden.
Okay, so my ghetto phone contract runs out in just a few days. Sprints been pushing this Instinct pretty hard and, while it lacks Wi-Fi, Ev-Do Rev. A is supposed to be faster than the Centros connection, which, just tested, is pretty damn fast. So yeah, Im thinking about getting it. CJs going to go to the phone store today, so Im going to ask a bunch of questions about it to see exactly what itll cost me when all is said and done.
Having the Instincts real GPS and the Centros tethering ability is pretty much the silliest technological fun that I can hope for right now. I cant believe I didnt know how usefully-fast Sprints network had become over the last 8 years (last time I tethered on a regular basis was with my old treo, and that was 2000/2001).