Lots of people came, the jell-o shots were fun in orange and green and the costumes were inventive. I dont think anyone showed up NOT in costume, in fact. Good stuff. Ive put up the pictures from the event, so click here to see the pics in my photo album.
The Eagles were busy losing on Sunday while I was cleaning (the house was DESTROYED on Sunday morning – it took ten solid hours of cleaning to get it back to normal), prompting me to give them one more game before I stop seeking them out for the season. In true Eagles fashion, they played like a bunch of amateurs yesterday for no visible reason. 4-4 after a 3-0 start. Not good.
This week is redoubled efforts to get jobs and final monthly invoicing and such so I can maybe pay rent for November. Im a little sick of this lifestyle, but Im so used to it that Im not sure I can change. WTF.
Happy Monday.