Theres not really a lot to relate, really, from the weekend, but thats not at all a bad thing. I watched some preseason football on Saturday and climbed the hill again on Sunday. Caught not two, but three flicks this weekend – FOUR BROTHERS, BROTHERS GRIMM and THE CAVE, none of which thrilled me. FOUR BROTHERS was cool because it makes Detroit out to be a total snow-covered shithole, and the set design was fascinating in BROTHERS GRIMM, as was the way they integrated a whole series of various fairy tales. THE CAVE had potential, but too many characters and no focus at all. It also lacked a big reveal of the monsters, which I would have liked. After three weeks without movies, it was a nice release to see a few. And, no, I still havent seen 40 YOV.
I worked on some video stuff for clapboard, as well as some consulting, although Im a little hamstrung at the moment. What I did not do is write one word. Im not happy about that, and am beginning to wonder if Ill ever finish anything ever again. *sigh*