It’s funny, as the new year dawned, I wasn’t thinking a lot about resolutions or what I might want to do differently, but now, a month in, I am. Aside from knocking bicyclists from their seats if they ride on the sidewalk, most of my thoughts have been about myself, if they haven’t been entirely motivated by my own actions. The long drive back from Portland this week gave me plenty of time to think about personal responsibility, and I’ve been musing on it ever since.
In this case, I’m thinking about responsibility as it relates to creativity. I can’t be creative by hiding from my responsibility to just DO it, you know? That doesn’t work any more than hiding from our responsibilities makes us happy for more than just a minute. You can ask any of us.
So I’m attempting to work through the “writer’s block” which is actually just me being lazy and avoiding my responsibilities. Ask me Monday how it’s working out.